What is
Virus is a microscopic infectious agent that can only replicate
itself inside a host cell and destroys the immune system of a healthy body. The
picture below is what a real virus looks like-
Today in the article I will tell you about the five most dangerous
virus and how they can infect a person and the symptoms, prevention and
The rabies is a common virus in animals and human.
Although there are possible treatments and prevention method for the virus but
it can lead to death.
Transmission of it can be from the saliva of animals from a bite or
scratch. it can spread from both domestic and wild animals like cats, dogs,
rabbits, bat etc. The symptoms for rabies are fever, muscle pain, weakness,
tingling and burning at the bite site. It can be diagnosed by blood test
or tissue test. It can be prevented if we vaccinate the pet. avoid contact with
wild animals and if we vaccinate ourselves with rabies vaccine if we have work
regarding animals. The possible outcome of the virus can be insomnia, anxiety,
confusion, excess salivation, swallowing problem and fear of water. Therefore
prevention is always better than cure.
Ebola is another growing virus that was first discovered in 1976 and
it still has no cure therefore its fatal. Although few scientists are working
on the vaccine. Ebola expands through close physical contact with infected
people and their body fluids and also using their belongings. The symptoms of Ebola are intense fever, weakness, muscle pain, sore throat this could
consequently lead to vomiting, diarrhea and both internal and external bleeding.
The patients with Ebola are kept isolated and health professionals help them
with the risk of infecting themselves. Below is a picture of a professional
ebola worker:
Influenza virus are usually transmitted from mammals and birds. it
is an air borne disease so mostly pass from air through aerosols, coughing
and sneezing. The basic symptoms for the disease are fever, runny nose, sore
throat, muscle pain. headache, cough, sneeze, weakness and fatigue. The
influenza virus can be deactivated by sunlight and disinfectants and we always
have to keep our surrounding clean by washing and other methods. Luckily
influenza virus has vaccine therefore mortality rates have decreased over the
years but still risk is high.
Nowadays we have less common people around who doesn't know about
AIDS. This disease is from a virus called HIV. HIV has no cure or vaccine yet
but can be diagnosed hence awareness about it has decreased the fatal rate.
Below is a chart that shows the death caused over the years.
The chart above shows how diagnosis has decreased death from HIV
virus. HIV can be prevented by awareness and also social education. For example
we can avoid using same needles while taking drug, a blood test before blood
transfusion and using condoms before sexual intercourse. This decreases the
risk but not the HIV. HIV sufferers have many difficulties and must be given
proper treatment. This virus is one of the biggest concerns of the earth now.
Lastly we will talk about a very common but also death causing virus.
Dengue is a virus spread from mosquito. This viral disease starts simply from fever
and it is also called dengue fever. Although it is most common in the South Asian countries in the tropical regions but it is also very concerning, The
common symptoms are sudden high fever. severe headache, pain at the back of eye,
nausea, vomit, skin rash and mild nose bleeding. Dengue can be diagnosed with
blood test. There is still no treatment for dengue but too late response for
basic treatment can cause death. Dengue can be prevented by keeping surrounding
clean so that mosquito cannot gather and also proper pesticides to kill
mosquito and covering drainage in the rainy reason . Although mosquito cannot
be stopped from breeding but can be decreased.
I have discussed about the most violent viruses that kills
life. You should be aware and also make
others aware about them and tell them if they have any symptoms they should
check a doctor as soon as possible and diagnose themselves.
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